
Iris Xiphium, Dutch Iris (Mix Colour) are a common flower to cultivate in flowerbeds.

The resilient flowers require little care and grow well in a variety of climates. They are also reasonably drought-tolerant. The iris flower is a beautiful flower that blooms in shades ranging from a basic purple to patterned white and yellow.

Care for Iris Xiphium:

  • Plant iris rhizomes in July, August, or September for optimal results.
  • Additionally, now is the ideal time to divide and replant iris that have gotten overcrowded—usually after three to five years
  • because plants become dormant during the heat of July and August.
  • Before the growing season ends, it’s critical that the roots of recently planted irises become firmly established.
  • Plant your iris four to six weeks in advance of the first deadly frost or harsh cold.


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