
Stevia or Methi Tulsi  is a sugary plant that is frequently used in tea. For diabetics as well, it is an excellent sugar replacement. Taste the Sweet Leaves Stevia Seeds from Omaxe.


  • Medium Level of Difficulty
  • Plant Elevation: 1 to 2.5 feet
  • Green leaves with a medium hue
  • Type: both indoor and outdoor
  • Feed: weekly vermicompost for nutrients, monthly seaweed for greener leaves, and monthly Epsom salt for improved flowering
    Every week, water the plants.
  • Full spectrum of sunlight
  • Time for Germination: 1 to 2 weeks
  • Harvesting Time: 18 months after sowing Transplanting Time: when seedlings are 2 to 3 inches tall
  • Ideal Temperature Range: 65°F to 75°F
  • Season: every season save the coldest parts of winter


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