

In spite of its name, it has more in common with the different species of ginger, including turmeric, than with tulips. It can be purchased as a cut flower or grown indoors.

The popular name of this plant originates from the similarity of its inflorescences, stems, and leaves to those of tulips. Only when they curl around the edges of the bracts can one view the real blooms.

From a cluster of narrow, lance-shaped, dark green leaves, each inflorescence emerges atop a stiff, reed-like stem that reaches a height of 2 inches.

Common Name: Summer tulip, Siam tulip
Height: up to two feet in height
flowers color:
Bloom Period: June–August
Difficulty Level: Medium growth challenges

Planting Care

  • Throughout the growing season, provide the soil consistent moisture and prevent it from drying out.
  • It is recommended to cultivate curcuma in partial shade if your soil dries out easily.
  • When the foliage begins to turn yellow, stop watering.
  • Cut back on wintertime watering
  • Give your houseplants high humidity and filtered light.


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